Rethinking your retirement needs
If you are planning how much you need to save for retirement, don’t forget to include the costs of aged care. This is not just the cost of residential care, but should also include care in the home or support services to help you live independently as you age.
What changes might lie ahead for aged care
When the Living Longer Living Better reforms were announced in 2012, the government committed to a 5-year review of how the aged care system was operating.
The report on this review (The Tune Review) has recently been tabled in Parliament and put forward 38 recommendations. The key recommendations are outlined in the newsletter.
The wait for home care
Many people defer the decision to apply for subsidised care services until circumstances reach a critical point. This can increase stress levels and put you or your family member at risk because the wait to access care can be long – especially for home care.
The aged care summer 2017/18 newsletter discusses:
- Rethinking your retirement needs
- The costs of home care
- Home care
- Capital expenditure
- The costs of home care
- What changes might lie ahead for aged care
- Home care
- Residential care
- The wait for home care
- Next steps
- Quick facts
Link to summer aged care newsletter
Aged Care Newsletter Summer-2017-18
Please contact Integrity One if we can assist you with any of your financial needs.
Phone: (03) 9723 0522
Suite 2, 1 Railway Crescent
Croydon, Victoria 3136
Email: integrityone@iplan.com.au